Retirement rocking chair symbol

Pensions & Retirement Planning

A pension is the most beneficial savings plan you will ever contribute to. These days we are living longer than previous generations. In fact, most of us can now look forward to 20 or even 30 years of retirement.

A pension can help you plan for these years, whether you want to retire to the country, travel, or spend time with your grandchildren.

With a wide range of pension options to choose from, let us help you explore the main types of pensions available so you can decide which one suits you.

We will recommend an arrangement for you based on these specific circumstances: Are you an employee, self-employed or a company director?

Whatever your circumstance, we can help.

Click here to find out all you need to know about Auto Enrolment pensions.

Terms and Conditions Apply.

Elderly couple planning retirement

Types of Pension

Elder recieving/growing pension plan

Personal Pension Plan

Company Pension Plan

Company Pension Plan

Pension growth

Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA)

Personal retirement buy out bond

Buy-Out-Bond / Personal Retirement Bond (PRB)

Contributions to pension

Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC)

Warning: Past performance is not a reliable guide to future performance.

Warning: The value of your investment may go down as well as up.

Warning: The product may be affected by changes in currency exchange rates.

Warning: If you invest in this product you may lose some or all of the money you invest.

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